F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
Congressional Oversight of the Judiciary
“The Constitution provides Congress a central role in regulating the Judiciary. Article I provides Congress the authority to establish the lower federal courts, determine the Supreme Court's appellate jurisdiction, impeach and remove judges, and to enact laws necessary and proper for executing these authorities.”
“The experience with the [Judge] Cudahy matter and the Chief Judge of the District of Minnesota raises profound questions with respect to whether the Judiciary should continue to enjoy delegated authority to investigate and discipline itself. If the Judiciary will not act, Congress will consistent with its Constitutional responsibilities. Congress will begin assessing whether the disciplinary authority delegated to the Judiciary has been responsibly exercised and ought to continue.”
The Hon. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) was Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. The above statement is taken from his address to the U.S. Judicial Conference on March 17, 2004 regarding Congress' responsibility for oversight of the judicial branch. Sensenbrenner's complete address is reprinted here. From: http://judiciary.house.gov/newscenter.aspx?A=409, accessed 06/27/06.